Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ariana's Birthday Continued...

I thought I would post a few more pics of our marathon Birthday weekend that ended with her favorite dinner and another round of Happy Birthday and a cupcake. Yes, she is naked eating her birthday cake because we had her favorite meal for dinner, which is spaghetti.
mmm...mmm...I wonder if I am going to get a cupcake after ever meal now?

This is what happens when she eats Spaghetti and we don't strip her down to her diaper. :-)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Ariana Rose

Today was Ariana's real Birthday so we started the day off with some fun with all her new toys. I filled her pak'n'play with all her balls from her ball pit and there is a correction, I am pretty sure there are about 1,000 balls! She loves it!!
Here she is opening up a few gifts from mommy and daddy this morning. She got an Elmo Valentine's book and as you can tell from her expression was pretty excited about it! She loves books and loves Elmo so it was a win win. So cute!

Getting ready for her Birthday breakfast which consisted of eggs, waffles, bananas, and yogurt. She is a very good eater!

We decided to take advantage of this beautiful weather and called Nana, Auntie Kathy, Isaac, and Matthew to meet us at the zoo this afternoon! I packed everyone a picnic lunch which even included cupcakes and a candle to sing happy birthday and we headed out (in her now turned around carseat, which her and I both loved! She rode all the way to the zoo with the cutest smirck on her face!)

Checking out the fish.

I think she had a great day so far. She walked around the zoo most of the time holding Auntie's or my hand. Her little legs are pretty tired she was practically begging to take a nap when we got home. We will see how long she naps and then on for some more birthday fun!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Wagon

Our little one year old got a wagon for her birthday! After Mommy and Daddy cleaned up the party mess today we got to go on a wagon ride around the neighborhood! I LOVE MY WAGON! And my dolly, of course. Dolly has to go everywhere with me so it was very appropriate for her to come with me on my first wagon ride. Her cute little sweatshirt is a gift she got from he Auntie Shana and it kept her pretty warm today!

Ariana's 1st Birthday Party

Here are some pics of my sweet girls 1st Birthday Party. She had a blast as you can see from the pictures. She loved her cake, her friends, her dance party, bubbles, opening gifts, etc, etc... We had so much fun having her party at our house over the weekend. We transformed our garage into a princess party palace and the kids had a blast eating at their kid table, dancing to bubbles, and playing with the parachute.
I love my cake!
Happy 1st Birthday Ariana Rose!!!!!

Ariana's Party Crew!!

Hanging with Nana and Grandpa after the party

She is having some issues sharing lately, so this is her stealing her sippy cup back from Frankiejane. She is also sitting in her new wagon that she got from her Auntie's and Grandpa and Nana, which she absolutely loves!

Eating lunch at the kid table

Birthday Girl

Look, I have presents!!!!

Our little 1 year old!

WOW, I love my new ball pit! Thanks Auntie's! My mom is super excited about the 500 balls that you gave us for my ball bit. They don't mess up the house at all!

If you would like to see more of my 1st Birthday Party you can click on this link:

My Sweet Girl

Just a few pics of her being cute the other morning! She is growing up way too fast for me!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Abby's 1st Birthday

Abby is another one of Ariana's BFF's and we celebrated her 1st Birthday last Sunday. Ariana and Abby are exactly two weeks apart. Oh, it just feels like yesterday when her mama, Kristy, and I, were going to the movies and waiting for our little one's to arrive. Kristy was a week overdue and we hobbled together to the movie's, sat in really uncomfortable chairs (or maybe because we could hardly fit in the chairs, hmmmm....) and then we went to get frozen yogurt after. Kristy headed home that night and was so bummed she still hadn't gone into labor. Little did we know that little miss Abby would finally decide to start her journey to enter the world that night.... (well 48 hours later but that is another story)

Ariana and Abby finally meet (Ariana 1 week old, Abby 3 weeks old)
Holding eachother's babes. No remarks about how we look!

One year later... crazy how much they change in just one year.

Trying to get the kids to sit still for a photo op

Ariana wearing her Abby Cadabby party hat!

Ariana and Abby

Enjoying the ball pit!

Monday, January 5, 2009

A trip to Squaw Valley

We decided to take Ariana up to Squaw Valley over the holiday break. If you know Sean and I at all you know how much we love going to Squaw. We went there a lot when we were dating, got engaged there, got married there, found out we were pregnant when we got back from a trip there.... good things happen there! We took Ariana up there when she was two months old but it was time to go back! We attempted to go sledding but it didn't quite work out so she sat in the snow for a bit and we got to walk around the village and visit the Resort at Squaw Creek for a bit. It was a very fun day... how could it not be with this cute little snow bunny!

Taking a break from the chilly outdoors inside the warm and toasty resort.

Hanging out in the village for lunch

Our little snow bunny (Sean was already scooping out ski's for her.)

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We are excited to be starting 2009 and what better way to ring in the new year than with our little girl! (OK... she was really asleep by 7 PM but you get the point!) Our friend's the Waldrops and the Parks were nice enough to come to our house so we could put Ariana to sleep and still enjoy the rest of the evening!!! We decided to play our new Wii we got for Christmas with the Rock Band that Melanie and Jason brought over. It was sooooo much fun. Everyone spent the night and the boys made us a BIG breakfast the next morning that was yummy.... Melanie and Jen

The "Scruff" band as we named them since none of our boys were shaving for the week because of the holiday and not having to work a lot. I think they really thought they were in Rock Band. Sean was twirling his drum sticks and all. It was a sight to see! Now Sean and I want to get Rock Band!