Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008

Ok... I can't believe it has been a month since I posted photos! There are so many and so much has happened that I am going to put a link at the bottom of this post so if you so desire to look at all of them you can! I tried to explain what everything was so you get the drift of who and where we are! Here are a couple of photos of Christmas Eve at my mom and dad's house (aka. Nana and Grandpa's) Every year we get new Christmas jammies from Santa Nana. This year Ariana got her first jammies.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Sorry for the lack of posts lately! I was doing good for a while. I am trying to get a handle on using my video camera to take pictures right now. It is actually a great camera but the downloading process takes a lot longer and I am trying to figure out the easy way! My other digital camera has has officially bit the dust! If any of you have seen me take photos with it you will agree that it is time to bury that thing! I will get photos up soon.

We have been SUPER busy this month. I feel like we just got back from our Thanksgiving trip to Missouri but somehow a month went by in a blink of an eye! Some things that we have been doing this month is hosting our first Annual High School Friends Holiday Party at our house! It was a blast!!!! Jen, Melanie, Shana, Talia, and Kya (and their hubby's and kids) came over for a feast! We had what could of been the funniest White Elephant Gift Exchange ever! The rules were that you couldn't buy anything and it was hilarious to see what everyone brought! We also made a quick trip to South Lake Tahoe to meet up with Sean's good friend from back home that now lives in LA. It was fun to get up there and also so crazy to not see any snow! We also have had lots of Holiday Parties, Cookie Baking Extravaganzas, playing with friends and now we are gearing up for a week of Holiday Parties with the family and some close friends!

OH... and our little girl is starting to walk! More pics to come on that in a little bit. If I can get a video on here I will! She has taken about 4-5 steps at a time and is so excited and proud of her new found independence. We are so looking forward to having our first family Christmas at home with her this year!

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Ariana's First Thanksgiving

Ariana celebrated her first Thanksgiving in Washingtion, Missouri this year with Sean's family. We did so much and had so much fun I don't know where to begin with our trip. First off Ariana had her own seat on the way to Chicago for our connecting flight to St. Louis. This really helped with us getting a semi break but she was in our laps most of the time. She only slept 30 minutes the entire trip which was crazy!!! We didn't get into St. Louis until almost midnight so it was a LONG day to say the least and mommy and daddy were exhausted! (The flight back was even more crazy because she wanted to be up the entire time. Add that to a full seven days of fun, off schedule, too much sugar, another cold, teething, and we were in the makings for a horrible return flight. Let's just say mommy and daddy agree that we won't be getting on a plane with her anytime soon!)
We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas while we were there! What a whirlwind it was. We never sat still very long even though we were on vacation!

Enjoying the Annual Washington, MO Holiday Lights Parade

Ariana eating her first Thanksgiving meal

3 out of the 4 cousins posing (and actually looking at the camera)

Our first Thanksgiving as a family of three

The little cousins in their matching outfits

We woke up one morning to it snowing! Ariana was excited!

Hiking to get Aunt Dani and Uncle Tim's tree in the snow!

Playing with Grandad

Getting hot chocolate with Maddie

The Bushmann Family Christmas Tree (a true Griswald moment)

Macy helping select a tree

If you would like to see more photos you can click on this link to view all 133 of them!!!!!


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I hate high heels

I should clarify, I like the look of high heels but I hate wearing them. I am always so uncomfortable, I always end up taking them off when I do wear them, so why should I even wear them anymore??!!! Well... see the post below from the Dallas Hextell Foundation Launch Party. It was a great party. See my cute gold shirt, well I have these cute gold heels that matched them and thought, what the heck, it is the holidays, I should wear them. (Side Note: My feet grew half a size when I was pregnant with Ariana and I haven't replaced any of my heels because, why should I, I never wear them.) So when I tried on my gold heels they were a little tight but I thought, it won't matter, I will be sitting most of the time and they were cute. Well as a result I ended up with a stress fracture in my left foot. Not worth it if you ask me!!!! Now I am sporting this lovely black boot for the next four weeks and can't exercise or do anything! I am happy to report that it feels much better with the boot on. I have already been able to figure out how to hobble up the stairs with Ariana in one arm.

The even crazier part of the story is my sister, Kathy, has a stress fracture too in her right foot!!!! What are the chances of that???? Hers is from running in a bad pair of running shoes!!! I will post of pic of our matching boots soon!