Wednesday, October 29, 2008

MOMs Club Halloween Party

This afternoon was the MOMs Club annual Halloween Party at the club. It was so much fun to get Ariana dressed in her little butterfly costume. She actually kept her hat most of the time. We did crafts, had a potluck, and did some trick-or-treating. Nana even joined us!!! Here are a few pics of our afternoon! More to come... we have two more parties this week so you will see a lot of our butterfly for the next few days!!!

Most of the kids that were there... hard to take a photo of all of them!! We had over a 100 people there.

Ariana and her buddy Zuri

Our Little Butterfly

Decorating Pumpkins

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ariana's first official "people food" dinner

Ariana has been eating people food for awhile now but I still have been giving her baby food at every meal. Today she was wanting nothing to do with her pureed peas and pears sooo... I just gave her what we had for dinner tonight and she LOVED it! She was shoveling her "real" peas, blueberries, pork and rice into her mouth like she has never seen food before. She was so excited... so I guess we are moving on to more exciting things!

"WOW, Mom is this what real peas look like?"

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is daddy's birthday! We celebrated over the weekend with a nice home cooked meal. That is all daddy wanted! Well that and a round of golf with some buddies. Mommy has never used so many pots and pans in her kitchen EVER! The menu was homemade gnocchi with a gorgonzola sauce, his favorite salad from back home, pork chops with a creamy mushroom sauce, mashed potatoes, and green beans with almond and thyme. It was pretty tasty! Today we are working but plan on just having a nice EASY dinner tonight!

They don't look anything alike do they?

Daddy's Girl

Dave's Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday we went to Dave's Pumpkin Patch. Ariana had a blast other then it we SO HOT again! I think we like Fog Willow a little better but it was still fun. Her favorite part is looking at all the animals. There was pigs, horses, roosters, goats, and bunnies.

I would rather look at the pumpkin then pose for the picture.

Get me out of this hay!

Getting ready to watch the pig race!

Ariana loved the hayride again!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ariana is 9 months old and Happy Pre-Halloween!

Ariana is 9 months old today!! I seriously can not believe how fast time goes with kids! I was told that by absolutely everyone before she was born but I really had no idea it would be like this! I feel like she was just born yesterday! She has on her cutie outfit today that Grandma Rhonnie and Grandad sent her for her first Halloween. We figured we could get a lot of use out of it this week!! We are off to the pumpkin patch again today (with daddy this time!)

This plastic pumpkin is fascinating.

Ah... our little 9 month old girl

Standing with daddy's assistance (look at that bed head she has going on)

I love to walk around the couch now.

What bed head?

Play time with Mommy

Ariana's new favorite past time is climbing all over mommy and daddy. She could do it for hours! Here is just one of many sessions of playing jungle gym on mommy and daddy.

So proud!! (and sooo cute!!!)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sunday at the Park

Sean has been traveling a lot lately... well he travels all the time actually.... so our weekends are all about family time! Sunday afternoons are usually our day to walk to the park and play. She loves to swing and this time the boy on the swing next to her kept saying, "She doesn't like me, why doesn't she like me?" If you don't know Ariana that well she loves to STARE at people. So naturally she was staring the entire time at this little boy. I kept telling him that she liked him because she was looking at him! He just kept laughing. Too funny. Just some pics of play time at the park!

Walking with daddy

Wearing daddy's hat.

Seriously... the lips! This is another new thing she loves to do, pucker her lips! I just love it!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

More from the Pumpkin Patch!

Enjoying a snack

Seriously... those lips, how can you resist not kissing them all the time! you think we will ever get a pic of them looking at the camera? Probably not.

Looking at the animals

Fog Willow Pumpkin Patch

From Left: Matthew, Isaac, Sloan, Frankiejane, Garrettt, Ariana

This was the best I could do with her looking staight into the sun!

She was not happy about the sun!

The hay ride! She wanted to take my sunglasses off the whole time!

Matthew, Kathy and Garrett

My sister, Kathy, and Shana, and I decided to take 6 kids to the pumpkin patch last Friday! It was fun and HOT. Yes, hot in October! But it was a blast. Kathy was babysitting Garrett so that is who you see in the double stroller with Ariana. That may have been the highlight of the day for Ariana and Garrett! They loved to point their fingers in every direction and have me take them to see all the pumpkins, animals, and other kids!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ariana Month by Month

Here are a few pictures to show how Ariana has been growing! From top to bottom are her 5 month, 6 month, 7 month, and 8 month photos!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Melanie and Jason's Wedding

Last weekend was our good friends Melanie and Jason's wedding up in Placerville, CA. The wedding was at the David Girard Winery and it was beauftiful. It was my second weekend away from Ariana and she went to Nana and Grandpa's and Auntie Kathy's for the weekend. She had a blast with them and although I missed her tons it was a very fun weekend with all the girls getting ready for the wedding and hanging out with good friends! Here are a few pics!

Sacramento Zoo

Last Thursday we headed to the Sacramento Zoo to meet Shana and her two little girls for Sloan's 3rd Birthday. We had a blast, it was the first time it really felt like fall and it was wonderful! We had a picnic in the park after that Shana made for us and it was yummy!
It is our 4th visit to the zoo so far and Ariana loves looking at all the animals. She really likes the giraffe's and tiger's.

We decided to start a blog!

Hi Everyone,

So I have been reading a lot of blogs lately and decided, what the heck, I will start a blog too. Mainly so that family and friends from a far can keep up with Ariana's day to day activities and see pictures along the way!! I will post a few pictures of her to get you up to speed! Ariana is now 8 1/2 months old and she is a little firecracker. She is crawling all over the place, waving and pointing at absolutely everything, eating more and more foods each day and recently has decided that she loves music and bobbing her head along with the tunes. She cracks Sean and I up all the time, she is great entertainment.

I am not a very good writer so bare with me... I promise to post pictures though and keep you up to date on Ariana's happenings.